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Collective Worship

What is Collective Worship?

A space for wonder, inspiration and reflection, the daily act Collective Worship holds a unique place in the school’s curriculum.
It offers a time for stillness within the busyness of school life; a place to balance the ‘what?’ of academic pursuits with the ‘why?’ found in spiritual reflection.
It is a chance to develop and communicate our school Christian based values, equipping children, not just for life within the school’s walls but further afield, within their local, national and global communities.
It is a time that provides an opportunity to build unity and community for staff, pupils, visitors and families, as the school meets, shares and celebrates together.

What does collective worship look like?


Class Based Worship

Our Year Six Pupil Chaplains (hyper link chaplain tab) lead a class worship with their linked class once a week. Father Peter and Mr Vernon meet with the chaplains each week to plan this experience considering the message and value as well as thinking about the needs of their classroom pupils as learners.

Pupil Led Whole School Worship

Each term, every class has the opportunity to lead a whole school worship. During this special time children share their learning from the term and how this has impacted upon them. This is a great opportunity for children to practice public speaking.

Adult Led Whole School Worship

Adults such as Father Peter, Mrs Kendell, Miss Cheeseworth lead us through a whole school worship where we consider the Christian values and our vision in the context of theological texts, inspirational role models, song, prayer and reflection. In our hall you will find a working wall that supports our collective worship journey each half term.

Sunday Family Church Service

On the first Sunday of every month, we join Father Peter at All Saints Parish Church for a special Sunday Service. During this service, our Chaplains lead the community in prayer and reflection, and our choir sings while communion is taken. This service has become very popular within our local community and is well attended. Following the service, there is a shared brunch in the church hall to further support our community connections.



DfE Collective Worship Guidance

Collective Worship Policy

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