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Health and Wellbeing

Well-Being Support at Torre.jpeg

TLG is equipping and mobilising the UK church to meet the needs of children and young people struggling with their emotional wellbeing through Early Intervention coaching. We partner with churches to train and resource a team of volunteers to coach primary and secondary school aged children with a therapeutic approach. Each week, the volunteer goes into school for one hour and creates a safe space for their coached child to build connection, play, and explore their emotions. Through the Early Intervention programme, churches, schools and families are seeing children and young people become more confident, enthusiastic and excited about school and the future. Since the programme launched, we’ve seen over 110,000 coaching sessions take place, having a tremendous impact on children across the UK. For more information, see the link below:​​​

TLG Early Intervention

Please also find below the website from the Torbay School Nursing Team. This new website is now live and has been updated with lots of useful information and guidance for parents and children.


Anxiety Booklet

Childhood Illnesses - Do I need to keep my child off school?

Common Childhood Illnesses and Wellbeing

Coping with Self Harm

Happy Maps - Mental Health Resources

Head Injury Advice for Parents & Carers

Head Lice Information

Single Parent Brochure

The Mooring - Access to out of hours mental health support

Tips for Parenting Through Holiday Stress

Headache and Migraines


At Torre we support pupils, families and staff with their health and well-being. We dedicate time to promote a positive wellbeing within our PHSE curriculum and through all of our learning experiences. When needed, children have access to pastoral support, nurture provision and can be signposted to more intensive support.


We “Live life in all its fullness.” John 10:10.


For parents/carers, we provide family support drop-ins and have provided sessions to help with supporting children with anxiety at home. We have also held parent/carer forums with the focus of supporting their child’s mental health.


Furthermore, we recognise that our staff are our most important resource and are valued, supported and encouraged to develop personally and professionally within a caring, purposeful learning community. We have a policy for all staff to ensure a positive work/life balance which staff have contributed to.


































The mental health support team in schools (MHST) works collaboratively with school staff, children, young people and their families to provide psychoeducation and low intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to children and young people, who are experiencing low to moderate; low mood, anxiety and behaviour difficulties. They run bespoke workshops on various mental health related topics for parents, carers and school staff, and provide mental health ambassador training for the children and young people in school. Additional to this, they offer consultation and time to reflect for school staff, allowing time and consideration for the mentally healthy wellbeing of all, with a view to enhance understanding and culture surrounding mental health within schools.


If you would like to self-refer please see the information below.

Primary Parent MHST service information

MHST Team Leaflet

Pathway Descriptor

MHST Referral Request Form

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